Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Ghost House in Sant Agnello...


Villa Niccolini is an old villa that is in the Cappuccini district, it was built in the 20's by the builder Alessandro Limongelli.  

Villa Niccolini before restoration

This villa has a very long story behind , everyone of Sant'Agnello has heard talk about the mistery of the ghosts of Villa Niccolini.  The legend says that one time some monks who were evicted, threw a curse on everyone that buys the house, and every time someone buys it, they seem to die a mysterious death! 

Recently some people  say that  there are some ghosts in Villa Niccolini's zone... is it the truth or it's just a mistake of deluded people???!!

A very rich Russian Man bought it and restored the house in 2010. He is still alive...!
The garden of the Villa

Its position on the cliffs.
You can see Vesuvius behind!
The villa now.

If you are very brave, watch the video, but not alone...

By Diego


  1. Wow how scary we also have a ghost house in Cape Town near our school. Its in a road called Milner road. Here is a webpage were you can learn about it

    1. It looks very scary! Have you visited it?

    2. That's such a cool story

  2. Hello, our ghost house is in Rondebosch and it is very close to our school!
    There are tales about an old man who has been seen wandering around the house, lights that flicker on and off mysteriously and doors that slam shut of their own accord. A university student once said,"I turned the handle and the door opened and then it slammed shut," she wrote. The owner of the house says the house is very friendly but you can never take any chances! Here's a picture, just click on the link below. Love Josie!/image/newspic4a6054db7a22f.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/newspic4a6054db7a22f.jpg

    1. Very scary! It loks very old.

  3. Wow how scary we also have a ghost house in Cape Town in Milner road very near our school. If you would like to learn about it go to:

  4. Wow! The Ghost House looks so scary but beautiful too! I'd really like to visit and see it someday. It has a very pretty view but seems a little scary that it's so close to the edge of the cliff. We have our very own Ghost House near our school in Rondebosch. Once I was with my friends driving past it late at night and everything was dark then a light right at the top of the Ghost House started flickering on and off then went completely out! It was really creepy! From Mumtaz.

  5. Wow! That ghost house looks so creepy! In Cape Town there's also a ghost house in Rondebosch. I would love to visit your ghost House, it looks so nice and amazing. There must be such a nice view if you look off the top of it. It looks so interesting I would love to learn more about it. Love Tamaryn

  6. Wow I would definitely like to visit that one day! I watched the video and it even creeped me out. It looks very interesting especially that its on that cliff. Have you ever visited it? We have a ghost house here in Cape Town but its not as scary!
    Love Isabella B

    1. Almost nobody visited it! It's very scary and people say that a rich russian man bought it and we can't enter!

  7. The music is so creepy and the house I would never go in there.I would like it if it was done up nicely and then it would be a lovly house.There is one in Cape Town that is very close to my school in Rondeboosh it looks so creepy.I WOULD NEVER step foot in a ghost house love Kelly

  8. Ghost houses make me so scared.The house looks so scary and old.I found the creepist part was when the girl screamed it gave me a fright.We have many ghost houses In Cape Town there is one close to our school in Rondebosch it is big ,old and creepy.I WOULD NEVER STEP FOOT IN A GHOST HOUSE ! you can look at some pictures off in on the internet and type in Rondebosch ghost house Cape Town

  9. Wow! it looks amazing and scary.Did you know that we also have a scary near our school in Rondebosch.We all drive past it everyday it's really scary and spooky
    From Razina

  10. Wow! that ghost house looks scary and cool.Did you know that in rondebosch we have a ghost house near our school.We always drive past.
    from Razina

  11. Eeeeeeeeek! That is scary. I would definitely visit that. Have you ever visited it. We actually also have a ghost house quite near our school too. I like how its on that cliff it adds to the scariness.
    Olivia K

  12. Wow that ghost house is really creepy we have one similar to that in Cape Town and its just as scary!!!!!!

  13. Wow! They are so scary. We also have a haunted house here in Rondebosch that is equally as scary. I drive past it every day on the was to school!

  14. We have a ghost house in Rondebosch. ( its white and red ) with a really scary gate, its really close to our school!!!!!! We have any different stories to say what happened to the people that used to live in there. SCARY !!!!

  15. We have a ghost house here but it is not as scary looking as yours!

  16. Wow that is creepy

  17. Wow, that's a scary story. We do have a ghost house, which is in quite close to our school. I've never seen it in real life, although I have looked it up on the computer. From Olivia.L

  18. Wow your ghost house looks very scary! In Rondebosch we have a ghost house to ; it is red and white. There are lots of stories about the ghost house but only a phew are true! If I had to spend a night in your ghost house I would jump off the cliff just before midnight!
    Love Aimee
